Job’s Daughters was founded in Omaha, Nebraska in 1920 by Mrs. Ethel T. Wead Mick, or Mother Mick as the members call her. Mother Mick, realizing the importance of the early training she received from her mother, and especially the lessons in literature and drama as found in the Book of Job, decided to give her time and talent to make it possible for all young women of Masonic relationship to share the rare privileges that were hers. After several years of careful study and consideration with the assistance of her husband Dr. William H. Mick and others, she founded the Order of Job’s Daughters, in honor and memory of her mother, Elizabeth D. Wead.
The purpose of the Order was to bring together young girls with Masonic relationship for character building through moral and spiritual development by teaching a greater reverence for God, loyalty to the Flag and the Country for which it stands, and respect for parents and Guardians. The organization was named “Job’s Daughters” after the three daughters of Job in the Bible. The organization was founded on the 15th verse of the 42nd Chapter of the Book of Job: “In all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job; and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren.” Both Mrs Mick and Job were very forward thinkers, seeing that women were as capable as men (if not more so!) during times when that was not the common belief.
In 1920 weekly meetings were held in the home of the Micks. The Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron, Order of Eastern Star of Nebraska and other leading Masonic related persons were in attendance. The Grand Master of Masons and the Grand Lodge in Nebraska approved and lauded the formation of such a group for young women.
The Order was historically founded on October 20, 1920, at which time it was decided to adopt the carefully developed plans of Mrs. Mick and the weekly planning group, and to proceed with the forming of the Order. The Executive Council was formed on January 19, 1921, when the Executive Council Officers were chosen.
The first initiation was held May 6, 1921 in the Omaha Masonic Temple. On May 27, 1921, the Order of Job’s Daughters was formally organized at a called meeting held in the office of Dr. Mick. The first Annual Meeting of the Supreme Guardian Council was held in October 14, 1921. The first Charter granted was issued to Bethel No. 1 of Omaha on December 31, 1921.
**taken from information found on
The purpose of the Order was to bring together young girls with Masonic relationship for character building through moral and spiritual development by teaching a greater reverence for God, loyalty to the Flag and the Country for which it stands, and respect for parents and Guardians. The organization was named “Job’s Daughters” after the three daughters of Job in the Bible. The organization was founded on the 15th verse of the 42nd Chapter of the Book of Job: “In all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job; and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren.” Both Mrs Mick and Job were very forward thinkers, seeing that women were as capable as men (if not more so!) during times when that was not the common belief.
In 1920 weekly meetings were held in the home of the Micks. The Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron, Order of Eastern Star of Nebraska and other leading Masonic related persons were in attendance. The Grand Master of Masons and the Grand Lodge in Nebraska approved and lauded the formation of such a group for young women.
The Order was historically founded on October 20, 1920, at which time it was decided to adopt the carefully developed plans of Mrs. Mick and the weekly planning group, and to proceed with the forming of the Order. The Executive Council was formed on January 19, 1921, when the Executive Council Officers were chosen.
The first initiation was held May 6, 1921 in the Omaha Masonic Temple. On May 27, 1921, the Order of Job’s Daughters was formally organized at a called meeting held in the office of Dr. Mick. The first Annual Meeting of the Supreme Guardian Council was held in October 14, 1921. The first Charter granted was issued to Bethel No. 1 of Omaha on December 31, 1921.
**taken from information found on